Pursuing Your Passion by Hansel Tumanggor..

BERITA LAINNYA - 28 October 2023


Passion is a profound and intense interest in something. When people pursue their passion, they find enthusiasm, enjoyment, and fulfillment. Passion is a compelling force, motivating individuals to work towards achieving their goals. Discovering one's passion can be likened to unlocking a compass, providing both direction and purpose.

On the path of life, everyone has their passion. The challenge lies in whether they have uncovered it or not. To unearth your passion, you can explore a variety of interests and remain open to venturing into unfamiliar territories. Trying out new activities, hobbies, and subjects is the key. Additionally,

consider attending workshops, seminars, or courses that capture your curiosity. Your passion may be lurking in uncharted waters.

Not only exploring various interests but also seeking inspiration can provide you with the opportunity to discover your passion. You can gain inspiration from books or role models who have discovered their passion, their stories can help you find yours.

With this passion, people will have an easier time choosing their major in university and finding a job that suits them. When people choose according to their passion, they are more likely to enjoy and excel in their pursuits.

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