Personal Statement by Deslyn Eugenia

BERITA LAINNYA - 29 October 2023

Personal Statement

by Deslyn Eugenia



A little bit of everything about myself


As I stood in front of the reclining bed, shedding tears caused by the immense pain my mom had to go through, unsure if the treatment and all the procedures she’s taking will ever make her pain less agonizing, moved my heart to deepen the knowledge of solving complex healthcare challenges through the application of medicine, biology, and technology principles. From the moment I knew about Medical Biotechnology, I knew that it held the key to revolutionizing healthcare and improving lives. This burning curiosity, combined with unwavering dedication, drives me to pursue a degree in Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Medical Biotechnology in National Taiwan University.


In my pursuit of higher education, I am excited to introduce myself as a dedicated and a passionate individual. With a keen interest in Clinical Laboratory Science and Medical Biotechnology, I have consistently sought out opportunities to expand my knowledge and contribute to the community. I was raised in a middle income family, and due to my outstanding grades, I was supported enough to pursue my education in one of the best schools in my small hometown back in Indonesia, Bekasi. Throughout my academic journey, I have demonstrated a strong work ethic, resilience, and a thirst for learning.. Coming from a close-knit family, I’ve always valued the bonds that tie us together. My parents instilled me in the importance of hard work, determination, and embracing challenges. Their dedication to education has been a driving force for me to explore my passions fully.


During my high school years, I also found myself continually drawn to Biology. I was the child who felt the most enthusiastic whenever the lab session was about to begin, especially biology lab. From the earliest memories, when I got my hands on the microscope for the first time, I was stunned and completely overwhelmed when I got to see the smallest unit of life that shaped living things, the cell. Throughout the years, I have loved Biology and was very dedicated to it. I joined the Biology Club for 2 years and experienced being one of the finalists in a Biology Olympiad held by one of the best universities back in Indonesia, and also one of the semi-finalists in one of the National Biology Competition held by Penabur.


Beyond academics, I realized that improving my social and leadership skills are also something I need to consider. I joined several organizations at school, such as Head Coordinator of Excelsior’s (my school’s annual cup) Consumption, committee of Excelsior’s Drawing and Story-writing Competition, school’s Peer Educator, etc. These organizations provided me with valuable platforms to collaborate with diverse people, contribute to projects, and refine essential skills.


Why Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Medical Biotechnology?


One day, I found myself intrigued by the power of medicine. It all started when I was feeling unwell and had to take a prescribed medication. Curious and eager to understand more about how it worked, I decided to scrabble around into the science behind it. As I researched, I discovered that this tiny pill held the potential to alleviate my discomfort and restore my health. The medicine targeted specific cells and molecules in my body, working in harmony with its intricate systems. It was like a perfectly orchestrated symphony of science and biology.


This experience left me in awe of the brilliant minds that had developed this medication and the countless hours of research that had gone into understanding the human body. I realized that behind every pill lay years of dedication, innovation, and a deep commitment to improving lives. From that moment on, I had a newfound respect for the world of medicine. The simple act of taking a pill had turned into a journey of discovery, one that had opened my eyes to the incredible ways science could touch and heal our lives.


From the basic cellular processes to the complex functions of the human pathways and systems, understanding the relationship between the structure of the human body and disease is what I find to be most intriguing. My love of science and immense curiosity of the body’s functions are just two of the reasons for choosing Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Medical Biotechnology. My enthusiasm for this area has made me confident about choosing Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Medical Biotechnology, especially as it is of great importance in the world of research and healthcare development.


Why National Taiwan University?


In June 2023, I was blessed with an opportunity to experience a two-week study trip to Taiwan, an experience that profoundly altered my perception and anticipation of the country. It was the people, the culture, the cuisine, the surroundings—every aspect extended the warmest of welcomes to me. In that moment, I became certain that I was more than willing to return and invest years of my life in Taiwan to pursue my educational aspirations. Undeniably, Taiwan’s education has, over the past decades, been reaching international standards and created brilliant human resources. Taiwan has attracted students from all over the world, creating a wonderful environment and intriguing me to come and study.


Selecting a university to pursue higher education is a significant life decision, one that can shape not only my academic journey but also my personal growth and future opportunities. After careful consideration and extensive research, I have chosen National Taiwan University (NTU) as my dream university. National Taiwan University embodies the qualities and values I seek in a dream university: academic excellence, diversity, research opportunities, cultural immersion, and a commitment to sustainability. I am excited about the prospect of studying at NTU, knowing that it will not only provide me with a world-class education but also a transformative life experience.


I am absolutely certain about my decision to attend National Taiwan University because it holds a special place in my family's history as well. My aunt and several of my relatives have had the privilege of studying at this prestigious institution, and their experiences have left an indelible mark on our family. Through their stories and achievements, I have come to admire the rich academic tradition and the opportunities that National Taiwan University provides. Their time at NTU not only expanded their knowledge but also broadened their horizons, and I am eager to follow in their footsteps. I am eager to join the NTU community, contribute to its vibrant academic atmosphere, and work towards achieving my academic and career aspirations in an environment that values excellence, diversity, and innovation.


NTU is not just a university; it is my dream university, and I am ready to embark on this exciting journey.


Informasi Terkini seputar sekolah kristen BPK PENABUR

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