My Current Best Friend

BERITA LAINNYA - 08 November 2021

My Current Best Friend

   My best friends since quarantine started was Instagram and a cup of coffee. I must say it was a horrible experience and I do not recommend being friends with them at all. All I got is headache and red eyes. Knowing the fact that I will go to the university in the near future made me even anxious because I feel like I have not prepare anything.

   Months by months, my inner self began screaming at me. It kept forcing me to be productive and not being in the phone all day. At first it was very difficult to leave my ‘best friends’. Thankfully, I finally realize that this needs to be end. Only realizing, however, is not good enough. I need to do the real action. Therefore, I looked up through the internet and search anything that relates with being productive. According to Tony Robbins website, productivity means getting the results you want with less time and effort.

   The first step which I ended up doing is thinking what is my purpose at end of the day by being productive. It sounds complicated but having a purpose actually motivates me a lot. After I decided my purpose, which is prepare myself to enter the university, I created a short to-do list in priority scale so I remember the tasks that I need to be done. It is literally change my life. I felt like I have more times to do the other activities when I am being productive. Now I understand many things regarding the university’s submission as well. Surprisingly, I also felt more happier and healthier.

   Being productive during quarantine is impossible at first, but I am happy to announce that productivity is My closest friend now. I am certain that being productive, especially during quarantine, is support us to create a better living life.

 by Patrecia Pepita


Posted by: Team Tony. (2020, March 06). What Is Productivity? A Complete Guide to Being
More Productive. Retrieved from

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