EXCELSIOR, An Event that Lingers

BERITA LAINNYA - 04 April 2022

EXCELSIOR, An Event that Lingers

by Joanna Prisca Zurishaddai 

One of the most meaningful moments in my life was during 2021 in the running of an event named EXCELSIOR. This annual school cup is the identity of my school, SMAK PENABUR Harapan Indah, and for the first time, we had it online, inviting schools all across Indonesia. That EXCELSIOR brought earnestly significant impact for me as the chairperson of this program since it became the last memory before I left senior high.

EXCELSIOR was a project of the Student’s Council to gain exposure and practice organizational skills. My main job was to make sure all committees performed well together. I worked with a chief executive named Adriel and a teacher named Mr. Bayu in organizing and communicating with more than seventeen committees. The team has been around since February 2021. Since then, we have had a lot of tasks to do.

Firstly, we thought of making the first online EXCELSIOR memorable. We used the theme “The Lost Reflection,” a keynote topic we brainstormed in March, to remind all contributors that they are worthy of love. Next, all committees worked to complete their job descriptions. Things did not always run well because we had tons of miss-communications and the feeling of incompatibility with other team members. Adriel and I played a vast role in corroborating that we did not clash internally and externally with teachers or alumni. It was emotionally draining as I was the kind of person to avoid conflicts. However, this experience has taught me to embrace them.

My favorite part was when the event finally started. The opening ceremony had a lot of confounding performances from the pupils and the participants. As the competitions began, I remembered everyone being enthusiastic. At the closing ceremony, we had Kunto Aji singing and Andovi Da Lopez talking about the theme beautifully. I cried as the event eventually ended, recalling how nine months had passed and came to an end.

Writing Sheet – English Writing Examination PAGE 2 It was a very fulfilling experience for all of us. We got so many compliments from a lot of people. It has created a lingering meaningful reminiscence in my heart that we were able to hold a colossal event in the middle of a pandemic, yielded an overwhelming amount of money, and carved smiles and hilarity as the message we carried pondered in their hearts.


Informasi Terkini seputar sekolah kristen BPK PENABUR

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