How to Avoid Burnout


Hello Penaburians! These days, most teenagers are experiencing some type of burnout. Some experience it from joining too many activities, and others experience it because of peer pressure or even their parents pressuring them. In this article, Christian Samuel would like to explain what is burnout, what causes burnout, and how we can avoid it. 

First of all, what is burnout? Burnout is defined as a state of physical and emotional exhaustion. When does burnout usually occur? It can occur when we experience long-term stress, for example, when working a stressful job. But not only adults, teenagers nowadays usually experience burnout as well. Teens usually experience it because of some stressful school days, or even getting pressured by their friends or family. 

We all know that burnout is a state that we don’t wanna be in. There are a few signs to tell whether we are experiencing burnout or not. The most common sign of burnout is exhaustion. Exhaustion can be defined as feeling physically or emotionally drained. Feeling exhausted after a long day of work or school can lead to burnout if we don’t get enough rest, and that can also lead to reduced performance in school or even in real life. 

Now, there are some ways for us to avoid burnout in our lives. First, get enough sleep. Sleep is very important for our body and our mental health. Getting enough sleep can not only prevent burnout but also refresh our minds once again to get ready for the day. Second, manage your time wisely. Managing a daily schedule and setting realistic goals can help reduce the stress of work or school. Having an organized schedule can also help us manage our time better. And third, keep a healthy lifestyle. Exercising and eating healthy can not only make our bodies healthier but also refresh our minds and reduce our stress levels.

Hopefully, these tips can help you avoid burnout in your daily lives. Let us live a happy and healthy life! God Bless You!


“Rest is, quite simply, when you stop using a part of you that’s used up, worn out, damaged, or inflamed, so that it has a chance to renew itself.” - Emily Nagoski




Contributor: Christian Samuel J.S. 



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