ENGLISH LITERACY - World History 101

BERITA LAINNYA - 08 April 2023

Title : World History 101

Author : Tom Head, PhD

Summarization by :  Edrick Matthew Tardas Siregar / XI MIPA 4 

Before history was written or recorded, humans have been around since about 200.000 years ago. The oldest identifiable modern human fossils are the Herto fossils that are 160.000 years old, but we aren't capable of finding out what they did because of the lack of knowledge being preserved by them, especially seing how much the knowledge that we have for a significantly large gap between the beginning of history and the present day. We will most likely be seperated from our first bold ancestors, but knowing much more about our recent ancestors only because history gives us ways to pierce that curtain.

While the Herto fossils were the oldest known modern looking human fossils, the oldest fossil that humans were able to seek out are the 195.000 year-old Omo fossils. They were discovered in 1967, and at this point are though of to be the first humans that lived on earth   based on the Greek author Diodorus Siculus. He said that the Ethiopians were the first humans to build land and live the first lifes, but his argument for this theory is because of how close Ethiopia is to the Sun. Of course in recent history, we know that this knowledge is silly and downright wrong. But somehow, his theory is still preserved throughout history, it could be because it's a lucky guess, or a well preserved oral tradition, or just an observation of ruins of old settlements that existed in ancienct times but have since vanished. We'll never truly know how right or wrong Siculus is, this is how mysterious history really is.

These are just some of the great things that I have been able to identify just by reading the first couple of paragraphs. This book's wording is not light, but certainly not difficult up to the point that lots of people aren't able to understand a single word. This book for some reason gives you a sense of joy and excitement about finding out what's next to come in this chapter. It isn't going to blast you constantly with heavy hitting informations that you're going to need your upmost attention, and reading it doesn't have to be in certain sessions. This book also has a very clean, tidy, and unique physical character. When you first open up this book, the cover gives you a sense of adventure with it's  very interesting pictures. The fairly small and high-quality pages are a very great way of making the readers feel comfortable after every flick of a page. I would recommend this book for people who are in to history, and it's not limited to being young or old. Throughout reading this, you're going to have a great time!


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