ENGLISH LITERACY - The Island Of Doctor Moreau

BERITA LAINNYA - 22 January 2023

Title : The Island Of Doctor Moreau

Author : H. G. Wells

Summarization by :  Florechytha Jescellyne / X MIPA 1 

The story begins with a shipwrecked Prendick being rescued and taken aboard a vessel called Ipecacuanha. There he meets Montgomery, a former medical student, and a misshapen man who moves with animal swiftness. He later encounters a variety of animals on board and eventually come to a remote island, where Montgomery and the animals disembark. Davies refuses to allow Prendick to stay on the Ipecacuanha, and he is forced into a dinghy and set adrift. However, Prendick is saved by Montgomery and others, including a white-haired man and several strange looking fellows. Later he learns that the white-haired man is named Moreau. Prendick realizes that he is Dr. Moreau, a “notorious vivisector” who was forced to leave England some years earlier after his shocking experiments were publicized.

Attempting to escape the island, Prendick explores the island and is chased by a creature, which he strikes with a rock. Shortly thereafter Prendick comes to believe that Moreau is performing vivisections on humans. Frightened, he flees and encounters an Ape-man, who takes Prendick to his home, where he meets other creatures. They teach him the strictly enforced laws, which include not eating fish or flesh and not chasing other humans. Finally a sailboat washes ashore, and Prendick uses the vessel to escape the island and is later rescued. He returns to England and tells his story, but no one believes him. Perceived as mad, Prendick leaves London for the country, pursuing his love for science in quiet isolation, away from the humanity he no longer trusts and believes soon will revert to the bestiality from which he had just escaped.


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