ENGLISH LITERACY - Future Positive

BERITA LAINNYA - 04 April 2023

Title : Future Positive

Author : Edward de Bono

Summarization by :  Danisch Aswanda  / XI MIPA 4

"Future Positive" by Edward de Bono is a book that presents an optimistic view of the future and offers practical tools to help individuals and organizations create a better tomorrow. De Bono argues that despite the many challenges facing the world today, there are also numerous opportunities for positive change. He emphasizes the importance of adopting a forward-thinking mindset and actively seeking out solutions to problems rather than dwelling on the negatives. The book offers a variety of techniques, such as "PO," or "Positive Outcome," thinking, that can help individuals and teams generate innovative and constructive ideas for the future.

De Bono also stresses the importance of collaboration and cooperation in building a better future. He advocates for the development of new systems and structures that prioritize long-term sustainability and social responsibility. By working together to create positive change, de Bono argues, individuals and organizations can build a brighter future for themselves and for generations to come. Overall, "Future Positive" is an inspiring and practical guide for anyone looking to cultivate a positive and proactive approach to the future.


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