english literacy (39)

BERITA LAINNYA - 01 March 2023

Judul = 

ENGLISH LITERACY - George's Marvellous Medicina

Text = 

Title : George's Marvellous Medicina

Author : Roald Dahl

Summarization by :  Kristin A. Sinaga / XI IPS 1 


There's a boy called George, he live in his house with his parents and his grandma. One day, his parents were gone for shopping, then there's just two of them in that house. Mum said "don't forget to give grandma her medicine at eleven o'clock". George is a behave child, he always listen to her mother. Then when his parents leave, her grandma act strange. She scare George with her unusual talks. He told George that he shouldn't growing up and told him to eat cabbage a lot. "And if it's got caterpillars, slugs, worms and any other bugs in it, so much the better!", she said. George was terrified and he hates his grandma since then.

So, George has this marvelous plan. He was thinking that he will make her a new medicine. He put a lot of toxic ingredients to her new medicine. Such as, hair shampoo, toothpaste, superfoam shaving soap, nail polish, deodorant spray and much more. Then there's eleven o'clock, his grandma ask for her medicine. Then after she gulp her medicine, she yelled "Oweeee!!". Her whole body shot up into the air.


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