AKSEN’S ENGLISH CORNER - Formal or Informal?

BERITA LAINNYA - 02 August 2024

AKSEN’S ENGLISH CORNER - Formal or Informal?

You might find this a little confusing as we are exposed to both formal and informal styles of English. In this ever-changing world, we need the ability to be adaptive. Thus, learning English in both formal and informal styles is important, as each serves different purposes and contexts.

Formal English, which is often used in professional settings, academic writing, and official communications, requires a clear and precise use of language, avoiding colloquialisms and maintaining a respectful tone.  Informal English, on the other hand, is commonly used in casual conversations, social media, and personal communications, where a relaxed and friendly tone is more appropriate.

As high school students, we are taught formal English in the first place. Every English class offers grammar learning which requires students to understand the whole system and structure of a language. This may sound rigid. However, learning grammar helps students to understand how to use language appropriately according to its structure. It is not a surprise to see textbooks use formal English to give examples on how to use certain structures.

Once students master the formal one, they will be able to take a step forward to get exposed to the informal style. This can be obtained from watching movies, listening to songs and reading books. They might encounter a number of confusion as the native speakers sometimes use slang and catchphrase, consisting of unique grammatical patterns. It is not about judging which one is right and wrong, but rather understanding how flexible language can be.

In conclusion, learning both formal and informal styles are important. If we want to “play” with the language, we need to understand the basics.



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