The 5 Love Languages

English Day - 20 April 2022

Have you ever heard of the 5 love languages? The 5 love languages is a concept created by Dr. Gary Chapman in his book, The 5 Love Languages series. He created the series from his own experience in marriage counseling and linguistics. This concept explains multiple ways of both expressing and receiving love, such as words of affirmation, physical touch, acts of service, receiving gifts, and quality time.


Here’s a short description of each love language:


1. Words of affirmation

People with words of affirmation as a love language value verbal encouragement. For example, you can give them a lot of compliments, whether through social media or direct communication. These actions will make them feel secure and they will be able to gain confidence.


2. Physical touch

To people with physical touch as a love language, nothing speaks more deeply than appropriate physical touch. Being near the people they love makes them feel like they’re not alone. Besides that, they will feel safest around the people they trust. Things that you can do to people with physical touch as a love language includes warm hugs, kisses, or simply holding hands.


3. Acts of service

The term “actions speak louder than words” applies to people who value acts of service. They uphold the actions that you do for them. For example, you can cook or clean around the house for them. These small gestures can make them feel rewarded for the hard work they did.


4. Receiving gifts

This love language is probably the most common one. It’s not what you give that matters, it’s the thought that counts. Both giving and receiving gifts makes us feel somewhat loved and cared for. To people who love receiving gifts, you can try to find out what they really want as a gift. Try asking their friends for references of what they like so you can give them the perfect gift.


5. Quality time

Sparing your time for them would be the most ideal gift you can offer to them. These days, everyone is busy with their own lives that they unconsciously neglect their loved ones. To assure them that you don’t neglect them, all you have to do is spend some quality time with them. Fun activities like watching a movie or walking around the park would be a great way to express your love for them.


Now that you’ve known the 5 love languages and how to express them, all you have to do is to find out which of these love languages suits your loved ones best. If you have it all figured out, you will be able to give them the best gift they’ve ever received. Good luck!


Written by: Aurelia R. P. /XA2


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