Should We be Worried about AI?

English Day - 05 April 2024


Artificial Intiligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence being processed by machines, especially computer systems. Mence, AI can finish task usually done usung human intelligence, like pattern recognition, problem solving, and decision-making. AI is one of themost useful tools we use on daily basic. However nowadays, many people are usung it too much to the point of exploitationand personally, here are a few reason why we should worry about AI.


Firstly, the automatic capabilities of AI can result in many displacement in the workforce. For example, many designers and illustrators are getting replaced by artificial intelligence for a quick and cheap alternative than something like commissions. Even outside of the example. It can bring disruption in to many other industries.


Additionally, with the use of artificial intelligence in the profesional filed, it can pose as a security or privacy threat if not properly controlled. AI-powered systems with autonomy that falls into wrong hand can cause something disastrous and catastrophic, like data breaches and misuse of sensitive information of a person or a group of personnels.


Another reason is that the usage of artificial intelligence can lead receiving unitended results. Since AI creates based on pre-existing data, if may create false information when put in a new or unfamiliar environment and with AI being autonomous, it’s hard to hold the person behind the mistake of an AI accountable.


In conclusion, artificial intelligence is truly a ground-breaking system which bring many benefits to the user. But too much of anything is good for nothing, same goes with AI. The overusage and exploitation of AI can lead to a negative outcome. (Sherin/XI MIPA 6)

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