Playing Games Is Not Pointless

English Day - 12 October 2020

First, let’s get to know what video games mean. Video game is a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer program on a television screen or other display screen. This is usually played on many platforms, such as Play Station, Laptop or PC, and even mobile phones. Games, if taken advantage correctly, can really be helpful for anything, other than just killing of your time.


First, video games can help to distract you from stressful situations. For example, when you are having a breakup, and so tired of it, you can play games awhile to distract your mind. You can also play games in your “me time” if you are bored with the TV. And, if you pick the right kind of game, the game can help you to lose stress, building focusing ability, and many more.


Second, playing games especially online games, can force you to interact with many people worldwide. You now can learn how to properly interact with them especially getting to know their cultures. If you are playing the same game like your friend, you can play together and help each other while in-game. That will help you to build a wider range of friendship and building trust, but the most important, this will significantly increase your interaction skill, which is very essential nowadays.


Third, playing games can actually help you to regain your concentration, There is already a research been done to prove this. That if you play games at least 30 minutes a day, your concentration level will go up. You can also use games as a distraction if you are tired of studying, too. But not all kinds of game will help you do that, you must sort out the games that will be a positive impact for you.


To conclude, playing video games have a lot of benefit, but as long as you don’t get addicted to it. Playing video games too lot can really damage your eyes, so it’s best to limit your screen time for a day, for example like 30 minute tops.


Written by : Marcell



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