Heartwarming Moments Throughout Pandemics

English Day - 03 November 2020

Do you know that every 24th October, Indonesia celebrated National Doctor’s Day (Hari Dokter Nasional) and on 28th October we celebrated National First Responder’s Day?


In order to commemorate their services, today we bring you the top 3 first responders heartwarming moments that happened this year throughout the pandemic!


1. A Doctor Escorts A Patient to See Sunset Together

Source: https://www.globaltimes.cn/This photo went viral in early March, showing a doctor named Liu Kai in Wuhan, Hubei stood beside an 87-year-old patient. Both of them were going on their way back to the hospital after a CT Scan when the patient, who had been bed-ridden in hospital for about a month, asked the doctor to stop and watched the sunset. The photo was posted on Weibo and since then has been gaining netizen’s empathy and wishes. Many stated their hope for the pandemic to end quickly. The patient who happened to be a music professor also produced a song to thank the doctors and nurses for taking care of him.


2. Applauses From Spain

Source: https://english.elpais.com/When the lockdown in Spain began on early March, the hashtag #AplausoSanitario (#Healthy applause) started trending on social media where the people of Spain were encouraged to applaud and cheer first responders simultaneously at 10 pm. In response, on March 16th 2020, residents of apartment blocks in Madrid and Barcelona appeared on their balconies and applauded the country’s doctors and nurses to thank them for their efforts in battling the virus. A team of doctors and nurses at a hospital located in Madrid stepped out to enjoy the moment. This event was inspired by a similar event in Italy where people sang and gave applause to the first responders. 


3. Donations For Healthcare Workers

Source: https://www.rumahkomunitas.com/When the pandemic first struck Indonesia, a lot of healthcare workers were struggling to obtain protection kits such as face masks, hand sanitizers and hazmat suits. Thus, many Indonesians had opened donations at kitabisa.com as a part of #BersamaLawanCorona to donate protection kits for healthcare workers. These protections kits had been sent to doctors and nurses across Indonesia. With the help of Indonesia citizens, donors (Dr. Tirta and Adib Hidayat) have managed to receive more than Rupiah 7 million to buy kits with more than 40 thousand people donating.

That is our top 3 heartwarming events during COVID-19 pandemic. Lastly, thank you to all the first responders including healthcare workers, firefighters and police who have worked nonstop to ensure everyone’s safe and health! We hope that everyone is still healthy and hopefully this pandemic will end soon!

Written by  :Margareta A.

Source: https://osisbid10.blogspot.com/2020/11/heartwarming-moments-throughout.html


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