Heartbreak does Not Make You Broken

English Day - 05 January 2024

Heartbreak is not something you would hope for, but it’s undoubtedly inevitable. You would feel as if it was the end of the world, you would feel worthless, and your mind sometimes is not your best friend. The journey of heartbreak can be overwhelming and hard to live through, but the pain of heartbreak is not actually meaningless.


Here are 5 valuable lessons that heartbreak taught me, which I hope could help and resonate with you too!


1. There Is No Shortcut to Healing

Has it been weeks? Months? Or even years since your last heartbreak and you haven’t moved on? People around you probably beg you to just forget about it, but there’s actually nothing that can speed up your healing. You need to sit, watch, and feel the pain in order to recover from it. Accept that this heartbreak came to your life for something and allow yourself to go through every bit of the sorrow. Once you have accepted your fate, you will find the answer of your next choice. For instance, I tried to brush it off and told myself everyone went or will go through a breakup, so why should I feel despondent about it, but of course that didn’t help. I had to act out from every cliché heartbreak movie, which is to cry it out every night. Cheesy right? But of course after accepting that this is the end of my relationship, I made a decision to make this episode a part of my life story, not the end of it.


2. Each Day Makes You Stronger

Imagine letting someone in your life, loving them so truly, making hopes with someone you see your future with, and still having to let that go. This shows that heartbreak requires a lot of strength and courage. It’s not something that everyone can face and if you are enduring or have endured your most difficult heartbreak, you are one strong person. You choose to wake up each morning and walk the earth even when you wish it wouldn't be another day, this shows that you are resilient and it’s all thanks to your heartbreak and yourself! Even though you’ve been hurt, you still need to realize that this world keeps spinning and time keeps running, therefore you need to gather all your power to get on your feet and face life over again.


3. Love Will Never End (Even When The Relationship Did)

If people love purely, they will always carry that love for each other. If your love for each other is so strong, that love will shape the both of you to be the better, and sometimes that also means being better for someone else and yourself. Even after your relationship has ended, doesn’t mean the love has. Loving someone is the most amazing feeling and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else or change the way we love for each other even if I knew it would be over in the end. So, if your relationship ended on good terms and you both loved each other completely, you will always appreciate them for the love that has given you the opportunity to learn and grow.


4. You Are Only Accountable For Yourself

I learned that we can’t change other people’s path. In my previous relationship, I felt responsible for my partner’s problems and took actions to change them when they didn’t want to take care of themselves. Finally, it drained me and made me see that not accepting them for who they are, is rather an unhealthy trait. Even after the break up, you might feel responsible for how they feel, but if the both of you didn’t particularly hurt each other in the relationship, there is no reason to feel guilty for their feelings. Look after yourself instead, allow yourself to feel heartbroken, and take as much time as needed to pick yourself back up again.


5. Heartbreaks Lead You to New Chapters

As I end this blog, I will also start a new journey after my own heartbreak. Heartbreak offers you many opportunities for new beginnings, you can find new hobbies, skills, and meet new people. Embrace your pain. Know that pain isn’t just there to hurt you, it’s there to tell you that you will need to take care of yourself in order to heal and open a fresh chapter. You will regain your confidence and fight new challenges in life and in love. You will get punched so many times in the face but you will adapt and find your own way to fight back. Heartbreak doesn’t make you broken, it will bring new discoveries of yourself and the world around you. Heartbreak will be the teacher you didn’t know you needed, so don't be afraid to love and don’t be afraid to let go either. (Hilary - Kelas XII IPS 2)

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