Fomo: The Silhouette Within Concert Craze

English Day - 07 January 2024

A concert is more than just a mere musical performance. Its a place where people from all around the world are brought together by their love for music. A chance to build a connection between fans and artists. All melodies, harmonies, and rhythm resonates through the venue, while the variety of dynamic emotions and energies flows within the crowd of people. Dazzling lights and ethereal decorations which makes it more breathtaking. All contributing to build an unforgettable memories. 


Each music genre has their own distinctive concert style, whether it’s the choice of venue, dress code, lighting, or even the vibe itself. However, in the end, no matter what kind of music concert that we attend, we all seek joy and a wonderful time. In order to get the chance to experience the thrill of a live performance, people are incredibly determined to get their concert tickets. Some people would even camp out in front of ticket outlets regardless of weather conditions, long distance travel, and even sell personal things to raise a sum of money. During online sales, people frantically hit the refresh button with multiple devices, hoping to secure their tickets. There are also other ways to buy them, such as buying from a third party that resells tickets at a higher price than the official price. Despite these challenges, people are still willing to make sacrifices for the chance to attend, even if it’s only for a single ticket. But why is that? FOMO.


Fomo, the acronym for “Fear of Missing Out” plays a significant role in getting people obsessed with concerts. It refers to the feeling of anxiety when they believe others are having enjoyable experiences or doing something interesting without them, and they don't want to miss out on the experience. This term is often used in the context of social media notifications, trends, and events. 


Moreover, due to the influence of social media, people fear of not being able to capture and share those memorable moments with friends, or missing out on the chance to post those enviable concert photos and videos. It's not just to  attend concerts, it's about the desire to document and share those unforgettable moments with friends and followers. Therefore there are still people that actually just wants to enjoy and support the artists they love.


In conclusion, Fomo and social media has influenced our thoughts about attending a concert. It's a reminder that our digital lives can influence our real life experiences. We should be more aware to live more in real life present. (Catherine Carnelian - Kelas XII MIPA 5)

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