Burning Yourself Out

English Day - 22 December 2020

What is burning out? The term came from healthcare workers in the 1970s when they felt exhaustion to no end because of the amount of effort they were putting to their job. Burning out is a feeling when you lack motivations and not finding any enjoyment to do anything, even if it is doing something you used to loves. You don’t feel excitement that you once felt doing your hobbies anymore. The sad thing is that it’s much more common than you may think, in reality, almost everyone in the world has experienced this feeling at least once in their life. 


One of the reasons of burning out is pushing yourself too much and getting little reward for it. Everyone knows that overworking is not a good thing, but at the same time it’s also glorified by society. The most prominent example is in school when you have endless projects and exams to do. But it is considered normal because that’s just the way school works. Working hard is always seen as a good thing, but there is a fine line between working hard and overworking yourself. When you forced yourself to work too hard, sometimes that line becomes blurry and you crossed it. You refuse to take care of yourself until the work is done to the point where you stop eating and avoid anything that is not related to your works.


The effects may happen in a long period of time, that’s why it hardly noticeable until one day everything just came crushing down. You can get overwhelmed easily even by the smallest distraction, you started pushing everyone and everything away from you. The most common things someone experience during burning out are the feeling that you don’t have any control over yourself whatsoever, always feeling exhausted and lost sense of achievement. When you started to forfeit everything including your relationships, physical and mental health, and that is where you need to take a moment to yourself.


Everyone has their own methods to relieve themselves from stress, for instance walking around, talking to friends and family, or spending time with yourself. It is fine to take a break every once in a while, everyone needs and deserves it. Stopping doing the same thing over and over can also help to overcome burning out. When you are stuck in a loop of habitual thing, you can lost any enjoyment of doing it so you ended up hating it no matter how much you used to love it. Searching for new hobbies or activities can add more colors to your daily life.


In conclusion, burning out is a natural part of life that can be really damaging physically, emotionally and mentally. Working too hard can be excruciating and you may suffer a great deal from it. So don’t push yourself too hard and relieve your stress by things that you like to do. Take some personal time to yourself because you deserve it.


Written by : Evelina Josephine XIIA2/7

Source: https://osisbid10.blogspot.com/2020/09/burning-yourself-out.html



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