A Question to Ask for Life Decisions

English Day - 05 April 2022

“Who Am I?”. Have you ever pondered this question inside your head? Or have you ever tried to get to know yourself? In this modern era, everything moves so fast and we are required to follow those rapid changes.


We are pushed to achieve more things, be more “productive” by working harder and non-stop. But when you accomplish so much, yet everything seems meaningless and doesn’t bring happiness to your heart, maybe it’s time for you to slow things down, take your time, and get to know yourself more, because I believe that everything in our lives should be an extension of ourselves.


When you have to choose a life decision, the better your choice will be if you have known what you love, what you are good at, and every other thing that is really you. In this article, I will show you why. We live in a generation where we are more connected than ever, thanks to the internet.


We can see parts of the world and millions of stories that we can’t experience in our own lives. But all those privileges also came with a cost.


These days, media tend to spotlight people who show fancy lives and do extreme things, because that's what most people want to see. These attentions are what driving those content to be bigger and spread widely, and eventually, affect more people.


It slowly changes our standard of living, as those who don’t do over-the-top things would mean that they haven’t lived their life to the fullest. Social media eventually made us forget the authenticity of what life really looks like. This is where the importance of knowing yourself part comes in.


When you know what you love and what makes you happy, you won’t be affected by the content you see on the internet. When you realize that the small and simple things around you like your family, the food you eat, or what you do regularly is enough to bring happiness, you could stop wasting your time pursuing things that won’t even guarantee you will feel more alive after achieving it.


After talking about knowing ourselves better, let’s talk about how becoming ourselves would have an impact on our lives, especially our connection and relation with others. I believe that everyone must have felt lonely for once in their lives. This feeling sometimes could even hurt us emotionally, which made most people try to avoid this pain.


The problem that I see in society is that many people often lie to themselves and others just to be close with who they want to be friends with, but I see this as a lead to another problem because befriending people who don’t suit you won’t bring you any happiness either. My point is, don’t worry too much about not having any friends, you don’t have to put on a mask just so people would like you and want to be your friend. Just stay true to yourself and show people who you are, you will eventually attract people that have the same interest and personality as you.


Hopefully, at this point, you get the idea of why knowing yourself would be the first step to choose every decision in our lives. If you’re wondering how, let me show you some few solutions. Ask a lot of questions to yourself, like what do you love or hate, what are your strengths and weaknesses, and so on. No one would know it better than you, so don’t depend to seek the answers on others.


Let me be clear, you shouldn’t depend fully on others but if you just need help to seek the answers within yourself, that would be totally fine, as long as you participated in finding the answer. Meditation would also be one of the solutions, because it is the time when you are alone, the time when you are communicating and hearing your own thoughts. In conclusion, always know yourself better before choosing any decisions that could affect your life, because the moment we understand ourselves, the more confident we become and the less risky our choice would be.


Written by Jason Jahja / XIIA3 / 14

Source: https://osisbid10.blogspot.com/2021/10/a-question-to-ask-for-life-decisions.html

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