Short Story: Waiting for a Friend’s Loyalty

Berita Lainnya - 17 February 2022

It was 16 minutes before the midnight of new year, the rain was pouring, cars were moving. It was a silent, yet busy night. In the streets of Wockingham, there was a cozy cafe with small speakers singing jazz. Coffee brewed and filled the cafe with such aroma, customers would be so relaxed, and passerbyers would consider going in someday. In said cafe, there were always two men who were regulars. Even the barista and workers know the two of them well. They were a popular duo after all, solving every case and crime together.

“Sunny mornings, rainy nights. One ponders if the world will ever go silent.”

“I wonder how much more poetic you can get.”

“Hahah, that wasn’t even a poem to begin with.”

The two men were sitting beside a casement window, the steam from the hot coffee and the aroma of black coffee swooning both men. Both men work in the police department, one working as a detective, investigating crimes and such. The other is an attorney, more specifically a defense attorney. Both of them work together as one, the members working in the police force would often refer to them as the “Crime Duo”, specifically because they always work in crime. They were drinking their coffee when a phone suddenly rang, the two men looked at each other in the eyes.

“Mr. Redquill, that’s your phone ringing, is it not?”

“Ah wise and kind poet, can you please answer my call instead? I have other matters to attend to.”

“Like drinking your coffee? Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

The detective sighed and picked up the phone, “Hello? This is Sato Reiji speaking”. The attorney rested his arm on the armrest of the chair, and his cheek on his hand. He listens to the conversation the detective is having with the mystery caller. “Ms. Park? Oh yes, yes. This is Reiji… Oh yes happy new year’s eve!......Oh no no it’s okay ms, we don’t mind your call right now..”

Reiji kept tapping his index finger on the table, completely focused on the window and the woman’s voice. Eventually, the attorney got bored of scanning the person in front of him, and looked elsewhere.

“A murder case?”


January 1, Lewisham Police Station

The early bright sun rose, the two men entered the police station, then a woman waved to them.

“Mr. Redquill, Mr. Sato, I believe you understand why you are here?”

“Yes ma’am.”
they both said in unison.

They were both led into their office to get more information about the case. “So you see, our theory points to there being a suspected third person helping the murderer. We don’t have any clues regarding this, so I trust you can investigate this one out.”

“Yes we can sir, the murder place is in Wockingham Apartment right?”

“Y..Yes sir, I’ve explained that twi-”

“Alright! Let’s go go go Sato! Time’s a wasting!”

Hopping on the way out, the detective silently apologizes to the policeman and leaves the building. On the way to the crime scene, Carmen spoke up,

“Soo Mr. Detective, who do you think is the traitor?” the attorney happily hopped, but stopped by the detective.

“Mr. Lawyer, please do not hop so high, you’re gonna embarrass yourself. Also, how am I supposed to know? Am I supposed to bet?”

“You are, wanna bet a hundred dollars?”
the attorney flashed a smug.

“No! I’m not wasting my money on a foolish bet.”
he said with a calm smile.

The attorney frowned and slouched, but stopped by the man beside him. “Carmen. Up.”

“R-Right right!”

To summarize, the murder was a woman stabbed in the stomach with a spear. Her corpse was like this, her body laid on her side, her hands tied above, and mouth covered in duct tape. The body was gruesome enough for both men to wrinkle their foreheads. The attorney covered his mouth with the back of his palm.

“Ah… um Sato, I’ll leave this to you.” he winks and points a finger gun towards the man standing in front of him with an unimpressed face. Once the lazy man speeds out of the room, the silent man takes a deep breath and begins to investigate.

Hours and hours, days and days passed. One night where one could rest finally came. In the duo’s personal office, the detective opens the door, casts his documents aside, and slumped onto the sofa.

“Aargh……. I’m so drained………….”

The attorney spins his office chair to face the slumped detective, “Oh my poor friend, what seems to be bothering you? Would you like a fresh brewed cup of coff--”

“Youuu shut your mouth Mr. Attorney! You didn’t do anything! Besides, a cup of coffee wouldn’t help me right now, you revise these documents. I’m gonna go home and rest.”

The slumped man then woke up and walked towards the door, but was then stopped by the sitting man.

“Nahh nah nah, you come here. You can’t just leave without telling me anything.”

“Haah.. fine, let me explain to you. All my investigations have led to there being a traitor, yes, but I just don’t understand one single thing. I think this is all a prank.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Ah, just read the yellow sticky notes I’ve stuck on the folder.” he then left the office. The attorney then put his leg on the desk, then the other on top, then began to skim the autopsy report. But then came the bright yellow sticky note, with its contrast brighter than everything in the room.

The clock ticks once, twice, thrice, the man cannot believe his eyes. Who would’ve thought that a yellow sticky note, could make such an elegant man detonate?

It was quiet like the silent woods in the dead of the wild, the ticking clock had never ticked so loudly, the air was sickening, and his breath was hitching. His widened eyes were growing tired from stretching the skin wide, but the man was too shocked to even think.

“S-Sato, what are you even saying?! All of the clues point to you? Give me a break! Don’t an idiot!”

The attorney screamed at the top of his lungs, unbeknownst to him, someone was leaning beside the door, slightly smiled and sighed.

“I apologize, friend.”

Weeks had passed since that incident, yet Carmen could not get the words on the sticky note out of his mind.

Carmen, I’ve found out that all the clues point to me. Maybe someone is trying to pin me, I don’t know anymore. Honestly, I think my life ends here. I don’t know what I’ve done. What have I done, Carmen?

It kept on ringing in his head. But it’s so weird, why would he be the traitor? Is he really the traitor? He wouldn’t do that, would he? No, if he was, why does he keep acting like it's nothing? He hasn’t shown any signs of sadness. What is happening? Those words can’t stop repeating in his head. The coworkers have been whispering behind his back, talking about what the attorney is thinking about, what could be so concerning, to the fact that the happy-go-lucky guy would turn serious?

The unhappy-go-lucky attorney kept on asking and asking the detective, yet the detective always goes silent and smiles. Why would he do that? Why would he keep his words to himself? The attorney also asked everyone as well, he also investigated the crime scene and gathered everything. Yes, Mr. Sato was right. All of the clues point out to him, his alibi also packed this case more solid.

Let’s sum this up. Mr. Carmen, the attorney, finds out that all the clues pin towards Mr. Sato, the detective to being the traitor. Shocked and confused, the attorney kept pondering to himself, he even asked the detective several times, but the detective won’t say a word, perhaps he is also shocked. What in the world is Mr. Carmen supposed to do?

He puts his hands on his forehead, sweat trickling down his face, and eyes widened. He is in a dilemma. ‘I don’t know what to do, what am I supposed to do? If I save Sato, will I get demoted? Wait no, why am I thinking about that? Oh god, everyone will hate me. I don’t care about that! I need to save Sato! I need to save him. I--’

“I need to defend my friend!”


The news spread fast. “Sato is the traitor”, at least, that’s what they believe. Sato, my friend, has been really quiet since then. I wouldn’t have suspected him to be the third party. The only thing I can do to save him is to defend him in court when the time comes. God, I sound so childish, but I don’t care, he’s done so much for me and he is my friend. I won’t let this stupid murderer get away!

Some time has passed, and the news is flashing. I wouldn’t have thought that this case would be this popular, but I couldn’t care less. The only thing on my mind is to defend Sato. That is why I am heading to the detention center, where he is locked in right now. Once I’ve arrived there, I’ll interrogate him once more.

As I walk into the detention center room, I see no one but a guard.

“Guard, call Mr. Sato.”

“Yes sir.”

Not long has passed until I see Sato in handcuffs come out with the same guard, then he sits in front of me on the other side of the glass.

“.....Mr. Carmen? Why are you here?”

“You know why I’m here, I want to ask you some questions.”

“I thought you’ve heard everything from m-”

“I’m planning to defend you, Sato.”
And from that, the man on the other side of the glass widened his eyes.

“Hahah, you can’t be serious, you’ll lose your j-”

“Does it look like I care? You’re my friend!”

Silence filled the room, the gloomy atmosphere made the whole air worse and it made it harder to breathe.

“Look, I’m not planning to let you go. No matter how badly you think of me, no matter how you keep avoiding my words, I will still defend you until the very end.”

“I mean, you were waiting for me to defend you, weren’t you? My loyalty towards you.”

“You’re just like that one Shiba Inu, boss.”

“H-Hey what’s with you calling me boss?!”

Laughs cheer the air from the gloomy mood, the duo has connected once again.

“I’ll promise you, I’ll defend you no matter what, no lying, no forging evidence, no perjury.

“Alright then Carmen, I’ll leave my life to you”

“H..Hey! No pressure, right?”


Written by: Michelle Wibowo - X IPS 2


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