Short Story: Dancing After The Storm

Berita Lainnya - 10 March 2022

Is reality so simple?  


Video games. Breakouts of the real world. Players are given “stat points” to give their precious character intelligence, charm, or talent. A life. In one click, a character could be clever, or adorable, maybe witty. Earth is a video game to us, humans are characters created by us. It’s supposed to be entertainment, they’re not supposed to have a single clue of us. But what if they know? This is a story of a specific character hiding between the thousands of times. A story of Flynn Renart, who solved our game. In January 2036, we gave our precious little humans a little game. Abilities out of the subject of their law and physics. To be short, superpowers?

However Flynn was one of the characters who wasn't given one. In this case, her intelligence was as high as our average intelligence. Right after we gave abilities to humans, the earth was a chaos as predicted. They started making groups, only the strongest survived. Flynn made friends with a particular  human.

Seere, a strategic young woman who was about to graduate from high school. They were good friends who met up during the mess. For one year they’ve been finding answers trying to solve the reality. And between those times, their smiles can be seen by our eyes, how precious their friendship was.

“Finally!” Flynn yells and runs to Seere drinking tea, “Found what?” Seere says as Flynn replies, “I found it out. Alright, you see this thing We’re actually like dolls.” And at this moment, the Gods start to panic, Flynn who we thought wasn’t a threat to us, found out of our existence, revealing the truth to her friends. I did not know how or when. Time works differently here and there. Flynn and her friends found us. Asking for the truth, almost dominating our position. Unfortunate for them, we had an ace card. Seere was one of us who created this game. She was one who died a long time ago reincarnating as one of the humans. Trying to destroy Flynn’s hope, we gave back Seere’s memories as hoping for Seere to turn her back, making Flynn never to be seen again.

It worked. Seere looked at Flynn coldly, her eyes resembling those who have lived for thousands. I remember Flynn trembling, asking for the Seere she once knew. But for Seere to choose a friend she made as a human compared to us who have been working with her watching the time flies is impossible. We all thought it was the end. Three years passed as we’ve taken Flynn’s intelligence, she is nothing. We were scared of here. The world continues to be a more chaotic world, just as planned. The thing I’ve noticed is that Seere was looking lonely from up here. She seems to be regretting it. Silly us believed she wouldn’t do anything until one night she ran away, looking for Flynn.

it was too late. The terror in her eyes when she found out Flynn is no longer alive was immeasurable. It is true, after Seere was no longer around her and her intelligence taken, Flynn became a powerless ant, stepped on by other characters who are way more powerful. I told you, only the strong survive. Seere found Flynn’s body, and cute sides contacts with us. Never to be seen again. But one thing is for sure is that she’s sleeping besides Flynn’s cold body for eternity, remembering the times they went together. Even though the soul is dead, their friendship remains there. Loyalty is beautiful isn’t it? Loyalty is beautiful only at the right time.

Who are we? Humans call us Gods. Beings who gave them life. But not in a way they expected us to be.

The end



Made by: Elysia XS1


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