Can You Know A Lot About A Person from The Clothes He or She Wears?

Berita Lainnya - 27 December 2023

The clothes we wear are more than just fabrics draped over our bodies. I believe that they serve as a form of self-expression. There are some reasons why I agree.


To start off, there is a language of style. The colours, materials, patterns matter. They are the choices that people make. For example, someone who opts for vibrant and sharp attire perceived as brave and adventurous. While, classics and muted are considered as shy and 


Also, clothings tends to give us social status and values. Cultural attire can indicate a person's heritage and pride in their roots. It could also be connected to carrying messages related to social or political causes. By wearing clothing that align with certain beliefs, they make a silent statement about their perspective.


In Conclusion, clothes do tell their stories. Whether it's the colour cut out or the accessories each of them contributes to our identity. In a world where people see what is closest to their eyes, it is important to dress how we'd like to be seen and to express yourselves. (Kaysia Calista Kong - Kelas XI MIPA 4)


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