2023 Year In Review: What Have You Learned This Year?

Berita Lainnya - 01 January 2024

How has this year been for you? As everyone knows, 2023 is in the end. This year brought many surprises for most of us and it lead me to some major changes. We all experience different things each year and some of them may not be as magical as we wanted, but I decided to overcome those unpleasant experiences that I went through this year and reflect on them. So here are some things that I learned from the year 2023: 


1. People Come and Go in Our Lives

I always have a narrow perspective in my life, I expected that everyone’s purpose who came upon me surely was to stay. So I would like to romantacise and build this imaginary vision of the future. Thus when I feel like we’re running out of pages, I would try to resuscitate my friendship or relationship but end up failing in the end. At that time, I took it too personally, there were sleepless nights and days filled with patheticness. But as it goes by, I had learned to accept it and let go of my grasp. There are things that are out of our control, sometimes expectations turn into this miserable reality, but we bave to learn and accept that fate. People come into our lives for a reason, therefore letting some of them go is a powerful process that help us shape our true destiny and teach us valuable lessons. It all happened for a purpose, so know that those purpose has been met whether you see it or not. 


2. Shoot Your Shot at Any Cost 

This year I learned to be more fearless and shoot my chance at any opportunity given. I had wasted many one chances in my life and can only go back to feel even more desolated. So some times ago, I decided to change, I would ask and take as many opportunities as I can. I had experienced both the success and failure in shooting my shot this year, I won second place in a competition because I took the opportunity to register myself in it and I also got rejected by my longtime crush after confessing. Yes, sometimes I worry about failing, but those times of failing will eventually strengthen you, raise your confidence, and lead you closer to what you want. Life isn’t that long, like as we can see, this year is suddenly ending. We can get there if we keep trying even if it involves a lot of falling down and getting back up again. 


3. Don't Give Up even if Things are Making You to

Looking back at it now, I still wonder how I got through some of my hardest sufferings. I was helped by the nicest people in my life, they were there for me and made me into the person I am today. Of course, I couldn’t do it alone by myself, I learned to reach out for support even when if it was scary to do. There were many days when I felt so hopeless but I remembered all the things I had went through in the past, I had also helped others dealing their hardships, and some people may not have the privileges that I have but they still choose not to give up. If the past me can do it, why can’t I now? If they can do it, so can I. So I gathered my hope slowly, piece by piece, and I did that by reflecting on past successes, surround myself with positivity (e.g. watching my favorite comfort movie), and asking for support. Don’t be afraid to reach for a helping hand and the support you deserve, it doesn’t make you less or weak, we’re all humans and we’re meant to help one another, we can’t survive it alone. Remember that it’s all going to be okay in the end, it’s always going to be okay. There’s a well known Buddhist phrase that said, there are ten thousand joys and ten thousand sorrows in life, so instead of spurning the one and clinging to the other, we can acknowledge and face each as they arise. (Hilary - Kelas XII IPS 2)

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