Berita Lainnya - 14 November 2023

by Franzetta Trichelle Rorimpandey XIA2


In their education fair, SMAK 1 PENABUR provides a platform where students are given the chance to explore the countless opportunities that the world of education has to offer. This annual event brings together a diverse range of universities with their unique field of study. During this year’s education fair, four universities, both national and international, stood out as the top choices among SMAK 1 students. 


Starting off with two of the most prestigious national universities in Indonesia, which are Universitas Indonesia and Institut Teknologi Bandung. Universitas Indonesia, known as UI, constantly ranks as the top university in Indonesia, offering high quality education and known for its rich cultural and history significance. UI has an extensive alumni network where students are offered valuable connections and opportunities in the workforce. Institut Teknologi Bandung, or ITB, is a national university renowned for their strong emphasis on technology. Students interested in STEM fields find ITB appealing due to the specialised programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. ITB offers students a variety of research opportunities, preparing them for careers in certain cutting-edged industries. 


Moving onto the international universities which piqued the interest of SMAK1 students, there are Nanyang Technological University and City University Hong Kong. Nanyang Technological University, or more commonly known as NTU, is located in Singapore and constantly ranks as one of the top universities worldwide. NTU attracts many students, especially ones that aspire to be at the forefront of technological advancements, due to their reputation for innovation and research programs. The environment offered in NTU is perfect for students that are looking for a global perspective in their education. Last but not least is City University Hong Kong, known as CityU. CityU is located in Hong Kong and is known for its business and management programs, which attract students with strong aspirations in said field. CityU’s diverse student body and faculty create an inclusive atmosphere where international students can experience different cultures and perspectives from different people.


In summary, all four universities emerged as the universities of interest at the recent education fair. These universities offer unique qualities that appeal to a wide spectrum of students. The choices they make will ultimately shape their future studies and future careers.





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