The Election of Ranger and Rover Mate 2024

Berita Lainnya - 31 January 2024

Edward Henry Utomo - XI MIPA 1     


Pradana election was held on January 10, 2024. Pradana, or Rover Mate, is a position given to students who have proven worthy enough to serve as scout leaders. A new Pradana is chosen annually and always on a Wednesday, as Pramuka is held on this day. This event was held in the school auditorium at 3:30, after all synchronous sessions had ended.


     This election is one of the big events organized by the Pramuka Committee. Not far off from the student council, their job is to sort out any activities regarding Pramuka. Pramuka itself, or as some know it as scouts, is one of the many extracurricular activities you can attend in SMAK 1. However, 10th graders are obliged to join the activity until they graduate as Penegak Putra (Ranger) or Penegak Putri (Rover). This requirement is part of SMAK 1's curriculum.


     This year's Pradana election had three candidates. Each candidate was represented by a number, and they had to prepare a presentation on what they would do if they did become Pradana. The presentation had to consist of their mission, vision, and working programs. The bulk of it is essentially their working programs because they have to successfully achieve their vision and convince the audience that what they bring to the table is special. They took turns presenting. In order of those who presented, the candidates were Theophilus, Alfa, and Abner.


     Once all the candidates had finished presenting, it was time for the audience to vote. The committee sent a Google Forms link through the slideshow and in the form of a QR code that students can use their cameras to scan. The students eligible to vote were 10th and 11th grade students who have participated in Pramuka and PMR. Paskibra students were asked to leave before the presentation.


     Alfa was crowned as this year's Pradana, with Abner losing by a minor 0.01% and Theo following behind. Alfa will be serving from 2024 to 2025, leading Ambalan Soekarno and Fatmawati to a better future! We hope to see more of Alfa's leadership and programs in the upcoming months.


     On an overall note, the event was successfully run. For what it's worth, it achieved its goal of a new Pradana. It also finished on time, which is a step up compared to previous Pramuka events. However, the start took too long because there were too many students. Some feel 11th grade students had nothing to do with it since not all of them are attending Pramuka anymore. There were also students who didn't use their right to vote. For future events, situations like this can be prevented by paying attention to class arrangements like they are usually done for services. Structuring tighter supervision during voting is also necessary. Many might argue that it was a biased election, but that will be the case for any election. Let's appreciate and cherish our current leader, Alfa, and give him our warm support!


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