Intelligent Property Rights Seminar 2024

Berita Lainnya - 31 January 2024

By Clara Michelle Chayadi - XI MIPA 1


I-PROJECT is a program in SMAK 1 PENABUR that allows students to be innovative and creative, creating unique products of their choice. It is held on a Friday every two weeks in which  students get to work on their individual projects and share their ideas in class, while being accompanied by their mentors. This week, however, instead of being in class, 11th grade students got to directly learn and hear from the experts.


On the 12th of January 2024, SMAK 1 PENABUR held a seminar for 11th graders to learn more about intellectual property rights. Seminar Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (Intellectual Property Rights Seminar) was held in SMAK 1’s hall on the 8th floor right after school at 13.45 - 15.45. This event was specifically held to educate SMAK 1 students about how important it is to know their rights to obtain legal protection for their creation.


The main speakers of this event were Lanny Setiawan, MBA., M.Mgt., MA-LPC., MA-LMFT, Herwati, SH and Syamsul Hidayatullah, SE. They are all from a company called Pacific Patent which is one of the most prominent registered intellectual property, law firms, and professional legal services in Indonesia. The objective of this seminar was to give insight to students about how they can protect their designs/ products by learning about Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), which includes patents, copyright, branding, and many more. 


The event was very eye-opening to 11th grade students. The material brought was very interesting and the speaker’s presentations were very informational. Students were active in asking and/or answering questions, therefore bringing a very uplifting spirit in the hall of SMAK 1. The speakers also took interest in some of the students' I-PROJECTs and helped them understand how they could obtain legal protection on their design or product. 


Overall, the seminar has been very educational and motivating. A lot of students gained a lot of knowledge from the experts and seemed to enjoy the event. Although some seemed bored and uninterested, the majority of the students took interest in ways they could protect their products using intellectual property rights. This type of event should be held every year to educate students about the importance of knowing their product’s worth and how to have them protected legally. Students seem to have benefited a lot from this seminar.


Informasi Terkini seputar sekolah kristen BPK PENABUR

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