11th Graders Trip to Komisi Diakonia Modern

Berita Lainnya - 05 January 2024

11th Graders Trip to Komisi Diakonia Modern

By: Jovanka Widasta XIA8


Yayasan Komisi Diakonia Modern (KDM), which is often referred to as Diakoneia Modern Campus, was constructed on January 24, 1972, by Mr. Liem Tjong Sien, Mr. Sudarmo, and their allies. This institute provides impoverished youth and elderly with a secure refuge where they have the opportunity to grow psychologically and have their needs fulfilled. KDM continues its legacy to promote and preserve the noble values of its founders by ensuring that these children's rights are fulfilled.

On the 12th of December, representative students from classes 11 Science 6 to 11 Social 2 went on a trip to visit KDM in Bekasi, Jawa Barat. There were 3 students from each class resulting in a total of 15 students participating and accompanied by teachers who are also coordinating the event. Approximately a little over a week before the day of the social act, the students and teachers met to discuss the rundown and brainstorm the activities. We were also informed of the 56 children that were said to be there at the institution, and with the teachers’ help, the students planned two games and a drama performance to boot.


At last, the day of the act arrived. With considerable planning ahead of us, teachers and students were equally enthusiastic about this special occasion.We set on our journey to KDM at 10.30 A.M., right after SMAK 1’s Christmas celebration. Our entourage arrived shortly at around 11.15 A.M. We had some time to get ready, then we went straight to the introduction that was brought by our appointed students MCs. With no time to spare, the children went on to play a game. The children had a lot of fun and were all very enthusiastic throughout the games. This involves a group effort for bottle flipping and a round of estafet rafia, in which everyone is holding hands in a line and the piece of round string as big as one’s body gets passed around from one person to another without breaking hand contact with each other. All in all, both the students and the children were quite animated and had broad grins on their faces. Some fortunate children also got presents to congratulate them on coming out victorious in the games which included a wide assortment of snacks and stationeries.

While the children received their well-deserved gifts, the drama team was getting ready and we couldn't wait to perform to the children. We performed a play about two friendship circles who were at odds with one another due to a cruel remark that one of the group members made to another of the opposing group. It turned into a full-fledged argument, but in the end, they reconciled. The drama was light with some serious undertones. At some point, the students even broke out dancing to Sherina Munaf’s “Jagoan”.

Additionally, we were also told in advance that the children of KDM also wanted to perform. In total, there were 4 performances – either in solos or groups – from KDM which amply demonstrated their extraordinary talents. The first performer was a teenage boy with a traditional dance that had enthralled everyone. The second performance was on-par with the first as a wonderful 4-member band sang “Penjaga Hati” by Nadhif Basalamah. The third and fourth performances were equally spectacular featuring a vocal pair performance with an original song called “Penggubah Lagu” by Ezra Renggana Parlindungan, and a traditional instrumental performance to the traditional song “Ampar-Ampar Pisang” from the younger boys of the institution. What’s more amazing is that Ezra both composed and performed the song live for us.


The clock was nearing 1.30 P.M. when all the activities finished. Our school had also given out towels for the children and staff included. The students had the brilliant idea to make a TikTok video with the children before saying our final goodbyes. We ended the event officially with a quick photo session together. After the event, there were some children who wanted to keep in touch with some of the students, too. We reluctantly had to leave to return to SMAK 1, thus we said our goodbyes – marking the end of a heartwarming social act.


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