OneMUN Made History Again

Berita BPK PENABUR JAKARTA - 25 August 2021

The OneMUN delegates from SMAK 1 Penabur High School made history again. On August 13-15, 2021, OneMun joined a prestigious three-day MUN conference called Jakarta MUN. There were about over 400 participants who participated and 9 councils were offered during the conference: ICAO, UNSC, Crisis, UN-Habitat, SPECPOL, UNICEF, ECOFIN, UNHRC, and UNCA.

The team members were not allocated at the same council; Samuel joined SPECPOL, Amanda & Gillian joined UNSC, Christopher joined ECOFIN, Charan joined UNICEF, Nykia & Jessica joined UNHRC and Aletha joined UNCA.

Before the first committee session started, they joined the opening ceremony of Jakarta MUN. The opening ceremony of Jakarta MUN was featured by some notable speakers such as Mr. Anies Baswedan and Mr. Sandiaga Uno.

The first day was not so tiring as it was only one committee session and the duration was not very long. However, everybody was baffled. Not only were there so many delegates in each council, but also the age gap. Only about 20% of the delegates were high-schoolers, 5% adults, and the rest were university students. The delegates were all experienced, good, and they even knew and ever competed with the coaches of the team. To their surprise, the beginner councils of Jakarta MUN were full of experienced delegates.

The second day, however, was both challenging and exhausting. It was a downfall for the OneMUN delegates. According to the UNCA council reports, every council was in a devastating state and, unexpectedly, there was “drama”. Delegates were fighting over the moderated and unmoderated caucus and bashing everyone, 5 working papers, passive delegates everywhere, idealistic solutions, undiplomatic behaviour, Myanmar being imperialistic, etc. This was a challenge to not only the One MUN delegates, but also all Jakarta MUN delegates; it is a test of endurance and perseverance.

The last day of Jakarta MUN made all of the team members tremble in fear. Potential winners had been chosen by the chairs. Draft Resolutions had all been introduced, but almost half of the council did not manage to pass the Draft Resolutions. Finally, the awarding ceremony came. The team was very grateful that the OneMUN delegates were able to snatch 4 awards: 2 Verbal Commendations (snatched by Charan and Jessica) and 2 Honourable Mentions (snatched by Amanda & Gillian and Nykia). Hopefully, in the next competitions, all the team members will do better and gain more awards. As what the journalists of the UNCA councils have said “overachievers make bad losers”, we should keep practicing and invite God into our activities. Soar high OneMUN delegates and don’t give up!


reported by ONE MUNers on JMUN 2021

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