Memorable Vacation Even at Home

General - 09 July 2024

Hi BEST Kids and BEST Teens!

In a few days you will go back to school. During the remainder of this holiday, many people spend time at home after returning from traveling.


Even at home, you can do various exciting activities to make your holiday moments even more memorable.


1. Rearrange the room

Rearranging the bed while rearranging the bedroom decoration is a fun thing to do. With new decorations, it will increase enthusiasm for learning.


Apart from that, the emergence of new ideas can also hone your creativity. To make it more interesting and varied, you can also ask for help from adults at home.


2. Conduct experiments or create projects

To keep your brain sharpened and skilled, you can carry out experiments or create projects at home by watching video examples from YouTube, for example. If there is a risk involved, ask Papa and Mama for assistance.


3. Play games

To keep the holiday atmosphere at home exciting, you can play games that hone your dexterity as well as train your physique. For example, playing hide and seek, jumping rope, or dragon snakes. To make it even more exciting, you can also invite your father, mother, brother, sister, cousin or friends around the house.


4. Sports

While you have free time, use it for exercise such as jogging, running and cycling. With regular physical activity, your body will be fresher and more enthusiastic when you return to school.


5. Camping at home

Not only in the wild, camping can also be done in the yard or inside the house. Invite your siblings to join in so the activity becomes more exciting.


While camping you can also share stories, watch films, play and eat together. It's fun!


That's an idea for fun and memorable holiday activities at home.

Happy Holidays, BEST Kids & BEST Teens!

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