Exciting Activities at the End of Your School Holidays

General - 08 July 2024

Hello BPK PENABUR Jakarta students, how are you?

Hopefully you stay healthy during the school holidays this time.


While the class promotion holiday is still a week away, let's do the following exciting activities to make the school holiday moments more meaningful.


1. Visit a relative's house

School holidays are a fun moment to visit relatives' homes, especially those who are rarely seen due to busy schedules or long distances.


Visiting your sibling's house can bring back special memories and stories about returning to school.


Like Chelsea Rose Nathania Tampubolon, a student at SDK PENABUR Kota Wisata who visited her opung (grandfather/grandmother) house together with her father, mother and sister in North Tapanuli, North Sumatra.


2. Travel to your dream place

Making a trip to a place on your bucket list a reality can make your holiday moments really enjoyable.


You can go to interesting places at home and abroad, according to your wishes.


Josephine Alexandra, a student at SMPK 4 PENABUR and her family chose to travel to Seoul, South Korea.


“I packed up all my things and can't wait for the long journey tomorrow.” he said.


3. Study in a historical place

Apart from class, studying can also be done during the holidays. For example, by traveling to historical places. Studying past events is an interesting thing.


Some historical places that can be visited in Jakarta are the National Monument (Monas), the Fatahillah Museum in the Old City area, the Bank Indonesia Museum, and many more.


That's a recommendation for an exciting and useful holiday for BPK PENABUR Jakarta students!

Informasi Terkini seputar sekolah kristen BPK PENABUR

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