Providing a service to our school community and a variety of nutritious foods and drinks with a reasonable price are the goals of our school canteen to support teaching and learning at school.


Physical Education Field

PE Field is one of the favorite places where our students experience and enjoy sports activities. Through Physical Education Subjects, students have learnt sportsmanship in all aspects of competition and encourage a healthy and active lifestyle.



As an important source of knowledge to young and adult minds in our school, our library develops the important of reading habit among students and teachers. By providing thousands of books, our Library has impacted positively on the academic achievement of the students and teachers and staff knowledge.


Computer Lab

Computer lab is utilized by students to engage in hands-on learning experiences with technology, allowing them to explore digital tools and resources that enhance their understanding and application of academic concepts.

The lab provides a space where students can actively participate in interactive learning activities that promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By using computers, students have the opportunity to collaborate with their peers, conduct online research, and develop important digital literacy skills.

One of the primary benefits of computer labs is they enable students to become proficient in using various digital tools and technologies. Through interactive learning activities facilitated by computer programs and software, students can practice and improve their skills in areas such as coding, graphic design, video editing, and more.







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