Pojok Best : Low Esteem

Berita Lainnya - 13 May 2024










Author : Gabriel Shanmin Yeremia (XI)









The word “Low Esteem” has a negative stigma of someone who doesn’t have enough confidence or someone who doesn’t give themselves enough credit. On the other hand though, low esteem isn’t all that bad, it is in fact good to have low esteem but not until it becomes something crippling. Low esteem is needed to become part of a society or to just be a good person in general. A person with really high esteem wouldn’t be accepted into society either because they tend to do things for their own ego and take everything to their credit. 

Remember the Bible verse Philippians 2 : 3 which exclaims “let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem.” This teaches us that we should not do anything with high esteem or too low of an esteem but instead to have a good esteem which would result in us respecting the other party and the other party respecting us. 

The previous paragraph teaches us the benefits and why we should mind our esteem. Now you might wonder, how would I handle my esteem and is there anything that could make it easier?. Here is some tips to handle your esteem to a good degree ; 

  • Respect the other party. By respecting the other party with good gestures like listening properly to them, asking for consent, etc, the other person we’re talking to will naturally respect us too. 
  • Wisdom is the key. Think before you speak, this is somewhat similar to the 1st tip but this focuses more on starting a conversation. When you’re about to speak, think about how the other person would react. Ask yourself, would it offend them? Or will it be a good thing for them. 
  • The need for peace. Just think of having no fights with anyone, wouldn’t that be great? Well that is what you need to have on your mind when talking to someone. The goal of having no conflicts will make you speak and act in a respectful and proper way to someone. 

That is all for today’s reflection article. I hope you all can manage to handle your own esteem and become a well liked person. Have a good day and God bless. 

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