Pojok Best : Do Good To Others Even With Our Shortcomings

Berita Lainnya - 30 October 2023




Author : Joshua Gamaliel (X)




This emphasizes the universal nature of kindness and its ability to transcend barriers and reach all people, regardless of their abilities or circumstances. Here we are told to always care about everyone even though they have certain shortcomings. also the sentence "deaf people can come here and blind people can see" this conveys the idea that acts of kindness have power and meaning for everyone, regardless of their circumstances or abilities. Just as a kind gesture can be felt by those who cannot hear or see, it also highlights the huge impact that simple acts of kindness can have on people, making the world a better place for everyone.

Mark Twain's quote emphasizes the power and universality of kindness. To realize this wisdom, we must strive to demonstrate kindness in our actions, interactions, and understanding, making a conscious effort to be compassionate and considerate toward others, regardless of their abilities or differences. This is a call to cultivate empathy and compassion in our daily lives.

Some tips that we can do to do good to other people are that we have to be friendly to other people because by being friendly to other people we are indirectly doing good. We also have to care about other people, whether we know them or not, because with that we have also given kindness to other people. Let's start applying these tips. Doing good will never harm us, but on the other hand, apart from being a channel of blessing for others, we can also feel our own happiness.


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