English Corner: The value of Passover for people who believe in God

Berita Lainnya - 19 April 2022


Passover is the biggest celebration and the culmination of Christian religious celebrations. Before they celebrate Passover, Christians and Catholics will attend the Three Holy Days of worship, namely Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Passover Night. Passover commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after being crucified.


Passover has many meanings, Passover is the victory of Jesus Christ over death, the resurrection of Jesus Christ which means eternal life will be given to believers, the resurrection of Jesus which has changed the way of human life, also has the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus which has brought about a change in status and provided a transformation in life.


The value of Passover for people who believe in God:


  • Out of Darkness to Light

We are often still affected in a dark world and have no hope in our lives, Jesus gives new hope to everyone who believes in Him.


  • Rise from the Old Life and Start a New Life

We all often experience many problems in our lives and commit sins, after God rose from His death. He wanted to teach us to change from bad behavior and involve sin. We are taught that these actions are discarded and must begin to realize and rise to start a new life according to God's teachings.


  • The Barrier Stone Has Been Removed

God informs His people at this Passover moment that the barriers to meeting God have been removed. He has removed all the obstacles that the devil has put in place to distance Christians from God. That way, we can step into God's place, then we can become role models for God and obey the teachings of God. Barriers that have been removed will make the relationship with God get closer


By 10 Science

English Day Program

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