Unrequited Childhood Love

BERITA LAINNYA - 03 April 2023

Unrequited Childhood Love

Samantha and Christopher grew up together in a small orphanage. They liked to help each other and shared things and food too. As they grew older, they had to leave the orphanage and find a job to support their lives. Christopher got a job in big company whether Samantha worked for a florist.


One day, while Samantha was decorating flowers, the doorbell ringing. A beautiful woman and a gentleman got into the shop. “How can I help you……?” Samantha greeted them and was really surprise to know that the gentleman was Christopher. "Hey Sam, this is Olivia, my fiancee. We're looking for a wedding bouquet for our wedding, can you help us with it?" asked Christopher. Samantha's breath hitched. "Yeah sure, what colors do you guys have in mind?" asked Samantha after calmed herself down. They were discussing about the couple's wedding bouquet until it was the time for the couple to leave. "Thank you for your help, Sam." said Christopher. "Here's our wedding invitation. We really hope you can come" said Olivia and gave Samantha an invitation which Samantha took with a smile. Samantha was a little bit hurt since she has liked Christopher since they were a kid and never have the courage to tell him.


On the day of the wedding, Samantha came and gave Olivia her bouquet. After that, Samantha came to meet with Christopher and gave him a special bouquet with a letter on it. "Hey, Sam. I think this is not the kind of bouquet we've talked about." said Christopher. "Yeah, No. I've gave the right bouquet to Olivia. This is a special one for you." replied Samantha. "Unfortunately, I can't be here until the ceremony is done. I got an order for a wedding decoration in a minute so, I came to congratulate you on your wedding and saying goodbye." said Samantha which Christopher replied with a smile and a 'thank you'. With that, Samantha left and Christopher came to his room to read the letter left by Samantha. 'Hey Christopher, it's me, your childhood best friend. I just wanted to say that I liked you for a very long time and I'm sad that I didn't have the courage to tell you this long time ago. Thank you for being the best friend I could ever asked for and congrats on your wedding with Olivia. I wish you a happy marriage life with a house full of wonderful kids. With Love, Samantha'. Christopher shed a tear after reading the letter. He couldn't do anything except gathered all the best thing in   the world and wished all of it to happened to his childhood best friend, Samantha.

By Hanna Tri Rumenta Hutabarat


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