The Heroes' Day

BERITA LAINNYA - 10 November 2021

The Heroes' Day


Hi friends!! Let me introduce myself. I'm Sharleen. I'm here because I want to commemorate heroes' day with you guys which happened on November 10, 1945 and not to forget I want to tell you guys about attitudes that can be applied in everyday life from the heroes' day. Now I will tell you about a brief history of what happened and why it is called heroes' day when in fact there have been other incidents as well. So on October 30, 1945, the two sides, Indonesia and Dutch clashed and resulted in the death of Brigadier General Mallaby. The Dutch issued an ultimatum asking the Indonesians to surrender. The people of Surabaya were angry and a battle broke out on November 10, 1945.


This battle lasted for 3 weeks and at least 6,000 - 16,000 Indonesian fighters were killed and 200,000 civilians fled from Surabaya. The casualties of the British and Indian troops were approximately 600 - 2000 soldiers. This incident teaches us about honesty, persistence, never giving up, and carrying out obligations and rights. Too bad so many lives were lost because of that battle.


Therefore, we commemorate heroes' day with the aim of remembering the services and struggles of the heroes who fought to expel the invaders from Indonesia. Also, not to forget we can be here because of what they did at that time.


Because Of that reason we are going back to the topic about attitudes that can be applied in everyday life from the heroes' day.


1. Study diligently

Because we as the next generation need to carry on the ideals of the Indonesian nation in achieving a better future, so that the services and hard work of the heroes will not be in vain.

2. Respect and appreciate each other

Heroes can achieve victory because they fight together and put aside differences, that's why upholding Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is very important

3. Helping someone in trouble

Ok, maybe you guys might think why do I need to help someone I don't even know?

I will answer that question for you.

Because, by helping others means that we are actually helping ourselves because by doing good deeds we will feel grateful because of the feeling that we get for being a help to others The second one is because we are social beings who cannot live alone. So while we can, what's wrong with helping others?

4. Get used to saying thank you, sorry

You may think this is trivial but actually these 2 words are magic words that are often forgotten. Getting used to saying these words is a simple way of being polite to yourself and others which will certainly have a positive impact so that others feel appreciated


That's all from me, thank you for listening to me until now, I hope this can broaden your insight and be useful for you. Greetings from me and I wish you all good luck. God Bless You





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