Summer Camp

BERITA LAINNYA - 11 April 2022

Summer Camp

Three years ago on July, I went camping with my church organizational friends. I was chosen as one of the committee. We stayed in Kampoeng Awan Campsite in Megamendung, Bogor, for 4 days and 3 nights.

On the first day, we went together from the church to the campsite by the trucks, we passed a fairly steep and rocky road. We finally arrived at the campsite after about 4 hours of driving. When we got there, we went straight to the tent to put our belongings. Then, we started our next activity, which was a group bonding activity. Each group must also prepare one performance that will be displayed the next day.

On the second day, there was one session about team work that I thought was very interesting. The speaker held a game that had to do a given work, but in one group there would be members who blindfolded, and some had their hands tied. I got to be the one who was blindfolded. Because the members whit their hands were tied could not work on the project, my group members who are blindfolded included me, had to work on the project while listening to the direction of the members whose hands were tied. This game was a lot of fun and it taught us to collaborate well. In the evening, there are group art performances, each group showed their performances that have been prepared from the day before.

On the next day, we did outbound activities. There are 10 posts with different challenges. Each group must find the locations of 10 posts and accomplish the challenges in each post. Because I was the committee, in this activity I guarded one of the post. In my post, the campers must pass through raffia string that had been tide irregularly, by holding hands with other group members without releasing their holded hands or touching the string. That was very exciting, we all looks very enthusiastic and happy. At night, there was a bonfire, we made a big circle and sang together while walking around the bonfire, that was really the best activity I had been waiting for.

On the last day, we appeared the closing mass, then followed by the announcement of the best group and the best campers. The event closed with the screening of an aftermovie video of our activities during the camping. Around 11 a.m. we returned to the church and went home.

I had a fantastic experience during the camping, that was one of the most special moment in my life. I also gained a lot of valuable experience by being the committee.

By Brigitta Zefanya Permata


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