How To Ameliorate Students Mathematic Problem In Post Pandemic....

BERITA LAINNYA - 26 October 2023

How To Ameliorate Students Mathematic Problem In Post Pandemic


Missing out is one of the greatest fear in the world, depending on the level and context some greater one can make an high or serious emotion, people who felt this might often felt ashamed, embarassed, upset, and anomalous, which reffers to deviating from what is standard.

Others and the writer find this relatable from the the topic that were gonna discuss “Math is The Universe language” They say. Depending on our future career,we as a student who need to learn various We might not use some of it in the future. Math is also something that can also sharpenin/train your brain since the early age.

The global pandemic caused by COVID-19 has posed unprecedented challenges to the education sector, especially in subjects like mathematics. As schools reopen and society adapts to the "new normal," addressing the learning gaps in mathematics becomes crucial. This essay explores strategies to ameliorate students' mathematics problems in the post-pandemic era.


The Impact of the Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic forced schools to shift to remote and hybrid learning models, impacting students' academic progress. Mathematics education, in particular, suffered as students faced difficulties in maintaining problem-solving skills during this period. Unfortunately, some students resorted to skipping classes and even cheating, leading to surprising results in post-pandemic onsite tests. A research study revealed that students' math and reading scores in 2021 were 10 and 9 points lower, respectively, compared to previous years.


Learning Loss


This phenomenon is not unique to one region. In Indonesia, for instance, a World Bank study highlighted that school closures from early 2020 to June 2021 led to a loss of about 0.9 years of learning and a 25-point decrease in PISA reading scores. Learning loss was exacerbated by the ineffective implementation of online learning. Approximately 70% of elementary school children in Indonesia scored below the minimum proficiency level in reading ability due to these challenges.


Strategies to Address the Challenge


  • New Curriculum Design: Implementing a more adaptive curriculum is essential to accommodate different learning modes. An adaptive curriculum ensures consistent mathematical education regardless of the mode of learning, aiding in regaining learning loss.


  • Personalized Learning Paths: Recognizing the varying abilities of students, educators should adopt personalized learning paths. This involves assessing individual strengths and weaknesses to tailor assignments, exercises, and projects accordingly. Such an approach creates a supportive learning environment, assisting both struggling students and advanced learners.


  • Real-World Applications: Emphasizing the practicality of mathematical problem-solving in various fields sparks students' interest. Integrating real-world examples in science, engineering, economics, and everyday life fosters a deeper appreciation for mathematics.


  • Collaborative Learning: Encouraging collaboration in physical and virtual classrooms enhances problem-solving skills. Group exercises, discussions, and peer teaching create a sense of community while exposing students to diverse approaches, building communication and teamwork abilities.


  • Emotional Support: Addressing students' emotional needs is vital. Providing a loving and supportive environment helps students overcome feelings of shame and inferiority, instilling confidence and positivity.


  • Remedial Exercises: Assigning homework based on students' grade levels helps bridge knowledge gaps. Basic questions can reinforce foundational concepts that might have been missed during the pandemic.





The challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic have underscored the need to ameliorate students' mathematics skills. By adopting strategies such as an adaptive curriculum, personalized learning paths, real-world applications, collaborative learning, emotional support, and remedial exercises, educators can bridge the learning gaps that emerged during the pandemic. It is imperative to provide students with the tools and support they need to excel in mathematics in this new educational landscape.


Source: Learning Loss Akibat Pandemi Sangat Merugikan Siswa, Apa yang Harus Dilakukan Guru? - Acer for Education

Millions of students have been missing out on school during the pandemic | Innovate Public Schools (


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