An Uncovered Blessing in the Beauty of Life by Joshua Holong..

BERITA LAINNYA - 30 October 2023

An Uncovered Blessing in the Beauty of Life

By : Josua Holong Munthe



2 June 2006, at 8 a.m ,in Bunda Hospital that located in Menteng, Central Jakarta , a boy was born in a little family that brings him peace, joy, and love. I was blessed to born in this family. Manners, respect, love, and humility are things that held in very high esteem in my family. A father who is from communication and politic background with a mother who is from finance background. Like parents like son, both interests are bring new point of view to their oldest son. Leading a little sister and a stubborn little brother is kinda challenging for the oldest son who is not mature enough to handle kids.


Being the oldest kid in the family taught me many things about leadership, so for me leadership is not always need to lead many people, even from the beginning you need to lead your own self first before you can lead people properly. Although all of us are “bit” temperamental, even there is a photo that accidentally taken when five of us were arguing to each other. But, that thing is the one who unites us and the way we express love from one to another.


Action speaks louder than words, my parents teach social skills and ethics through their act to contact with other people or to us as their children. Born in a Christian family teach me everything about religious values. Our family always start a day first to talk pray to God and ended our day with a prayer again to make thank God for every joy and sorrow that we had in our lives in a day. It’s also being my motto, that said “Always start with in the name of God and end with Thank God”.


Growing in this environmental makes me know either good things or bad things. I believe that the world point of view is so subjective. The looks of the world depends on how us as human see it, we are attract what we are, not what we want. Therefore, if we always positive and seeing the good things in every aspect then the good things will also come to us.

Living in a country with a full of potential should stimulates us to be a well developed human. As a boy who had enthusiasm in micro-macro economy subject, I am intrigued to examine our exact economy situation. Indonesia is a country that has the potential to be a developed country. However, I see that we still not maximize our great natural resources well. To solve a problem, you need to find the root of the problem first and always ask with why. The government as a regulator has create a lot of policy about the economy but doesn’t work as it should.

I often analyze to figure out what is the main problem of some Indonesia economy issues. In addition of my enthusiasm in the economy, I also did some financial things, such as investing in the stock market, taking notes on income expenditures, and sometimes i do consulting with my mother about finance. I also like to know more things for example like the bank system, how a bussiness works, and some things like accounting and taxes.


I have ever parcitipated to some economy competition like the KompEk (Kompetisi Ekonomi) that was held by Faculty of Economy and Bussiness University of Indonesia, Kwination (Kwik Kian Gie National Accounting Competition) by Kwik Kian Gie School of Bussiness, and also the Penabur CHAMP Competition at the district/city level about the economy subject.

As a civilian in this unitary state, I also had an interest in political and social issues. I like to read news about politics and social issues. It makes us to more aware about this country situation. We, as the ones who hold the greatest sovereignty in this democratic country should be noticing about political and social issues in this country. Since the laws are made by our aspirations, we have to criticize some policies that need to be evaluated or not.


Value attract value, i was lucky to meet some partners who got same interest into political and social issues. By this, we like to discuss about the current social issues in our country. We also participated on some competitions like Debate competition in SMAK 3 Penabur Jakarta and also ILDC FHUI that held by Faculty of Law University Indonesia. Furthermore, i also participated on the Model United Nations (MUN) that held in Santa Ursula Jakarta. The MUN really intrigues me because its not only talk about one country issues, but it also talks about the country’s issues internationally and then discusses them to find the solution of the problem they faced.

Those competitions that I participated really open myself as new person. I participated on those competitions without winning any rewards or medal. Firstly, I was denial and always blaming myself because of those mistakes, but then I realized that the most important thing is to learn and stand up. Failure is not the opposite of succeeding, but it was the part of succeed.


All are depend on the mindset, every people who have succeeded on their life have ever did many failures before they define themselves as success. I lost in any competition, but the lesson I gained is that I know where my mistakes are and I know for later what I need to evaluate. Life is always a lesson. Failure doesn’t define who I am, but it shapes me to be a better person.

Communication and public speaking are two of my soft skills, obviously it’s because I like to meet every new person whom I met. One of my favorite analogy is when meet a new person is that we compare ourself like an empty glass when meet new person. The knowledge that our opponent shares is like a water that fulfilled the glass as our brain. In conclusion, communicating is not always about talking, but it also about listening properly.


A good speaker is a loyal listener. We can’t judge people based on their looks or their emotions on once occasion. We have to see everything through different eyeglasses. There is no person either who are purely good or purely evil. Every each person has their positive and negative sides, the thing is that we need to accept the way they are, not the way they should for us. Never give up on a bad thing because there is always a blessing in disguise. So far on living this world, I used to have something that regrated in my past life, but I realized that all I have done in my life is the thing that made me who I am today. I gratitude for all I had in this life.

Then what next? I had an unexplained plan that I would display to myself in the future. I see myself in the future as a successful human being. Personally, success for me is when you can be a blessing to everyone.

Ultimately, for me life is beautiful the way it is, it doesn’t need validation from anyone. We choose who we are and what we want to be. Always have faith in God, who provides us everything. Know that his plan is the best for us. A teacher gives us a test that intend to take us to the next level of the subject, the same God did is that he tests us to lift us up into the next level as human beings. We have to be patient and consistent because life is a progress. Last but not least, I believe that we don’t need to compare ourselves from one to another because everyone has their different start and different journey.


Informasi Terkini seputar sekolah kristen BPK PENABUR

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