Lilis Suryani, S.Pd.SD

SDK 5 BPK PENABUR BANDUNG focusing on shaping our students Christianity character, critical thinking, creativity, independent, and accomplished academic as well as non-academic achievements. We are hoping to create the competed graduates in every fields of science and technologies and also becoming participants in their society.

  1. Having expertised human resources so that we can create a creative and enjoyable teaching environments.
  2. Developing our image as a trustworthy partner in the society.
  3. Shaping Christianity characters to our students.
  4. Facilitating the development of students interpersonal intelligences creatively and independently .
  5. Developing students interests and skills according to their potencies.
  6. Providing students to master the science and technology.
  7. Encouraging the awareness of all school personnel to show their love and caring for the environments.

Kepala Sekolah SDK 5 BPK PENABUR

Lilis Suryani, S.Pd.SD




Believe juara 2 lomba spelling bee


Selamat kepada elmory valent, kevin, keisha dan samantha atas juara yang telah diraih dalam acara open house SMPK 1 BPK Penabur!

Informasi Terkini seputar sekolah kristen BPK PENABUR

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Renungan PELITA TK - 24 March 2025
24 Maret 2025

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