World Kindness Day

BERITA LAINNYA - 13 November 2023

Did you know that there is a dedicated day to celebrate kindness? That's right, it's called World Kindness Day, celebrated annually on the 13th of November. Since its inception in 1998, this year marks the 25th year of promoting compassion and goodwill around the world.


The origins of World Kindness Day can be traced back to the World Kindness Movement, a coalition of organizations committed to fostering kindness worldwide. Formally established in 1997 during a conference in Tokyo, the movement proposed the idea of a global day to celebrate and advocate for kindness in 1998. November 13th was chosen for this celebration to align with the founding anniversary of the World Kindness Movement.


The celebrations on World Kindness Day take many forms, ranging from individuals engaging in random acts of kindness to organized events and initiatives by schools, businesses, and community groups. These activities may include distributing uplifting notes, participating in volunteer work for charitable causes, promoting anti-bullying campaigns, encouraging positive interactions in diverse settings, and many more.

World Kindness Day: 21 random acts of kindness

World Kindness Day serves as a reminder of the good power held within simple acts of compassion, understanding, and benevolence. Regardless of our differences, kindness is a universal language that transcends barriers, inviting us to reflect on the impact that empathy can have on individuals, communities, and the world in its entirety.


Despite the existence of this dedicated day, Kindness should not be confined to a single celebration. We as a society should internalize kindness as a norm, rendering it unnecessary to wait for a specific occasion to be reminded of its importance. Wherever and whenever you find yourself, remember the significance of being kind to others, as the effects of such actions can be bigger than you would imagine. World Kindness Day serves as an annual milestone to reaffirm our commitment to fostering a culture of compassion, understanding, and goodwill throughout the year.


Contributo : Ansellyn Quintelie

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