The Life Cycle of Plastic Bottles (INFOGRAFIS)

BERITA LAINNYA - 20 March 2024

Improper disposal of plastic bottles can harm the environment. So, as part of our commitment to promoting environmental awareness and sustainability, SMAK Penabur Gading Serpong has initiated a program aimed at collecting plastic bottles. This shows their dedication to creating a greener and more eco-conscious community. To further understand the environmental impact, here's an explanation of the life cycle of plastic bottles.


We use plastic bottles a lot because they're easy to grab and take with us wherever we go, like on the bus or when we exercise. They're everywhere because they're so handy, showing how much we depend on them every day. But have you ever wondered what happens to a plastic bottle from the moment it's made until we're done with it? Let's take a simple journey through its life. We will see the impact they have on our environment.


Contributor: Evelyn Claire

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