The Day of A Million Trees

BERITA LAINNYA - 01 February 2024

The last January, there is an annual event of planting 1 MILLION trees in a single day. This initiative isn’t merely done for fun and such, it’s to battle against the evergrowing rate of global warming. Join me and let's learn more about this interesting event.

What is this initiative?

The 1 Million Trees Day is a rather ambitious project spanning city over city from Sabang to Merauke. This initiative was first planned by late President Soeharto in Jakarta on the 10th of January, 1993.

Why do we celebrate this day?

President Soeharto first thought of the idea, he sought to help overcome global warming. While it does help to slow down global warming, planting trees poses many more advantages to the world. Trees produce oxygen into the air, which is beneficial for our breathing and reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Planting trees can also maintain climate stability and, once grown, trees help prevent flooding and erosion.

How do we celebrate it?

The celebration of the 1 Million Trees Day involves a multitude of different activities. Families, students, and volunteers join hands in the collective effort to create a greener, safer, and more sustainable living space.


As we close the day off once and for all, we get a glimpse of a hopeful scenery where the horizon is adorned with the silhouettes of thriving forests, a picturesque result of the 1 Million Trees Day.



For more, visit our web: BERITA to read more articles alike!

Contributor:Vincent Xavier - X5


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