Story of Malin Kundang (Other Alternative)

BERITA LAINNYA - 28 October 2023

In a village in Sumatra, a boy named Malin Kundang lived with his mother, Mande Rubayah. His father had left them long ago. Malin grew up to be a smart kid. They lived in poverty and were struggling to make ends meet. But as Malin grew older, he decided to seek his fortune abroad. He wants to become a wealthy merchant. So he asked his mother's permission, which she gave him.

"Remember your mother when you succeed," she said. Malin thrived on the ship due to his hard work. After years, he became a successful ship captain and married a princess. News of his success reached his mother, who eagerly awaited his return. However, when he returned, he had become an arrogant man.

When he returned back with his new wife and wealth. His mother approached him and asked him about how he was doing. So his wife asked him if she was his mother. But, he outright rejected her and even insulted her, calling her a beggar. Malin's action deeply saddened his mother and angered her, and she prayed to God for his punishment. Soon after, a storm came and wrecked his ship.

Ini Tempat Malin Kundang Dikutuk Jadi Batu oleh Sang Ibu
He realized the gravity of his action and the consequences of it. So he begged forgiveness from his mother and prayed. His mother hears his cries and forgives him like any mother would when her son makes a mistake. After that, he accepted his mother, vowed to take care of his mother, and stayed with her in the village. In the end, he realized that it was because of his mother that he became successful.


Translate and written by : Sean Gallen

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