Positive Vibes : Finding Your Purpose

BERITA LAINNYA - 05 December 2023

Have you ever wondered why you exist in this world? In this world, God created us to have an impact on the world. We each have our purpose. Just like a game of chess, each piece has its purpose, it can only move on its path. The knight moves in an L-shape, the rook moves vertically and horizontally, the queen can move vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, and even the pawn can move. However, it’s just one step forward. So, whether we’re just a normal person, or we have a certain position in our job, or anything, we each have our purpose in life, and it’s YOUR purpose, no one else’s. Your purpose is what you were built for, and why God created us in the first place.

Every person needs to have a purpose in life. Without a purpose, our life would be meaningless and we will have nothing to guide us. According to Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, your purpose is found in performing voluntary self-sacrifice. This means that our purpose is not found in money, clothes, status, or any other self-serving pleasure. But rather, our purpose is found in the thing that we would willingly suffer for. Our purpose lies in serving something that we deem as greater and more valuable than our existence, and if we can’t find that, life will feel meaningless and empty.


A modern proverb states that life only promises us two things: death and taxes. The meaning behind it is that life demands a sacrifice from us all. All life is born to be sacrificed in some way. If we have nothing greater than ourselves to sacrifice our time and energy for, we end up investing all our life into ourselves. And since we need to be sacrificed sooner or later, all the energy that we invest essentially just goes to waste, and that’s what makes our lives meaningless. But if we find something worth sacrificing ourselves for, worth serving and dedicating our life to, our sacrifice becomes meaningful. 


People find their purpose by sacrificing themselves for something they believe in, and we can implement this by dedicating ourselves to serving others in a way that brings us joy and creating something we are willing to sacrifice for. We can serve others in a way that we would want to serve them, in a way that we would be happy to wake up each day and do. We can create something that we would be willing to completely sacrifice ourselves for because eventually we will be forced to. That is what life demands of us all. If we can discover our purpose, our life becomes a voluntary sacrifice. Discovering our purpose in life transforms it from a forced sacrifice to a voluntary and meaningful one

BPK PENABUR is a school institution that helps students to find their purpose in life. They usually have many activities, for example, some career demos, some spiritual activities like “Bina Iman”, or just being a highly-educated school institution. Career demos are usually held to help students experience what it looks like to work in a certain field. The students can get a feel for whether this is the right career for them. For Bina Iman, it is a retreat where the students can work on their spiritual development. The school helps the students to experience some development in their spirits and their relationship with God. From this, hopefully, God can give them a guide to what is their exact purpose in life. All of these activities can help students to find their purpose in life, but just in different ways. Students need to find their purpose in life because in the end, our purpose in life has to bring a positive impact to society and to the people around us.


“The real joy in life comes from finding your true purpose, and aligning it with what you do every single day.” 

- Tony Robbins


Contributor: Samuel Christian

Source: https://bit.ly/3toEY5C

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