24 Daily Habits that Will Boost Your Intelligence (Part 3): Habits to Stimulate Your Mind and Expand Your Knowledge

BERITA LAINNYA - 06 March 2024

Hi guys! In our daily lives, we usually like to do some things that are not productive, like laying in bed all day, or just scrolling through social media. The thing is that some habits can stimulate your mind and also expand your knowledge. Plus, these things can usually be done in around 15 minutes, so it doesn’t take much of your time! Here are some habits that can help you stimulate your mind and expand your knowledge. 


A way to stimulate your mind is by reading. Reading jolts your brain into action maintains concentration, and allows your mind to process the events happening before you. And if you like math, you can opt for mental arithmetic courses online. This will help you to calculate some numbers faster, and it’ll be useful in some school exams for math. But online courses don't have to be just math, it can be any subject you like, for example, music, arts and crafts, even English or a foreign language course. There are loads of online courses out there, and you can take them wherever and whenever you want!

Another way to help expand your knowledge is to talk with someone that you find interesting. Talking or just chatting with them and getting into a conversation about something that interests you will expand your knowledge about that topic. Even better if that someone happens to be a master at that topic, so he/she could share a thing or two about it. But you don’t have to talk to someone about this one. Similar to taking online courses, you can subscribe or follow some channels or feeds of interesting information. It’s also much easier to access it since it doesn’t require someone to be present all the time. 

Expanding knowledge doesn’t have to be demanding like studying in school, for example, you can use a ‘word of the day’ app. With adding new words every single day, this app is used to improve your vocabulary and your English in general. That way, you can have a library of words that you can use during conversations in real life. Another way that you can implement this is to play ‘smart’ games, for example crosswords or riddles. These ‘smart’ games can help you improve your memory, problem-solving skills, and even visual-spatial reasoning, which helps to do some everyday tasks like using a map, it gives you the bigger picture of a certain problem.

PENABUR also uses some of these techniques in studies in schools. Like sometimes they use crosswords in their assignments, or sometimes they even let us go into a group to discuss a certain topic or assignment. These are helpful habits that you can implement in your daily lives! Hopefully, this will give you some insight on how to expand your knowledge every single day. God Bless You!


Contributor: Christian Samuel J.S.

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