ENGLISH LITERACY - Three Little Pigs Short Story

BERITA LAINNYA - 04 January 2023

Title : Three Little Pigs Short Story

Author : Surbhit Chauhan

Summarization by :  Felicia Fortuna Fondy  / X IPS 1 

Once upon of time there were 3 little pigs who came seek their fortunes and built a house. Each of the pigs built  their house with different materials the first pig built it with straws, the second built them with sticks and the last one built them with bricks. Finished and happy with their houses the 3 little pigs sang and danced happily the whole day.
But, one day from the woods came a big bad wolf ready to destroy their houses and eat the 3 little pigs up. The big bad wolf succeed to blow and destroy the house made out of straws and sticks, because of how weak the material are. The first and second pigs were scared because their houses have been destroyed, and scared for their life because of how the wolf had said that he will eat them up. With this the first and second pigs ran into the third pig house and hide there. The wolf keeps on blowing and blowing to destroy the house made out of bricks, but the result is a failure, tired by the blowing, the wolf essentially gave up and decided to climb up to the chimney, but turns out there was a pot of boiling water below him, the wolf fell in to the water, and died. After the event full day the first and second pigs felt sorry on how lazy they have built their houses, and then they also built their houses with brick, and live happily ever after.


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