ENGLISH LITERACY - The decision book

BERITA LAINNYA - 10 April 2023

Title : The decision book

Author : Mikael Krogerus and Roman Tschappeler

Summarization by :  Ezekiel Ethan Tanzil / XI MIPA 3 

it is easy to hurt people with criticism, but fase compliments are also unhelpful. Compliments often make us to complacent, while criticism damages our self esteem. In terms of criticism, it is better to ask yourself "what can i do with this criticism? in other words see what can stay as it is and what need to change.

pay attention to your thoughts because they become words.
pay attention to your words because they become actions
pay attention to your actions because they become habits
pay attention to your habits because they become your character
pay attention to your character because it is your fate.


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