BERITA LAINNYA - 21 April 2023

Title : Solo Leveling

Author : Chuqong

Summarization by :  Timothy Alexandro Sibarani  / XI MIPA 3 

The world in the book is a completely different world, there because of an incident there exist superhumans called Hunters and their job is to raid dungeons.  which if not attacked the dungeon will break and will attack the earth.  in the story Hunter is divided into classes (weakest) to S (strongest).  there is the weakest Hunter named sung jinwoo with rank E class which is even weaker than the average E class even so he is still a Hunter so his physique is still slightly stronger than ordinary humans.  then there was an incident where he wanted to do a dungeon raid.  dungeons must be done in a party and if it's a rank D dungeon there must be one rank C in that dungeon.  then we just call sungjinwoo SJ to raid class D dungeons with his party.  but strangely this dungeon is not as usual as there are no monsters even they found a very big gate.  out of curiosity they decided to enter the gate even though their party mates warned to tell this to the association because this was abnormal.  then finally they entered the gate and to their surprise there were no bosses or monsters but only statues and writings.  then the writing said that they had to worship the statue on the throne. There was a disobedient hunter who was immediately killed.  then finally they bowed to the statue

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