ENGLISH LITERACY - Mystery of Rara Jonggrang

BERITA LAINNYA - 13 April 2023

Title : Mystery of Rara Jonggrang

Author : S.Z. Hadisutjipto

Summarization by :  Jonathan Kennard Simarmata / XI MIPA 2 

Once upon a time there were two neighboring kingdoms, namely the Pengging Kingdom and the Baka Kingdom.  The Pengging Kingdom was led by Bandung Bondowoso while the Baka Kingdom was led by Prabu Baka.  During the war between the two, the Baka kingdom was defeated by the death of Prabu Baka at the hands of Bandung Bondowoso.

The defeat made Bandung Bondowoso rule over the Baka kingdom.  There he saw Roro Jonggrang and was fascinated so he proposed to her.  Of course this was rejected by Roro Jonggrang.  Because he was very insistent, Roro Jonggrang gave conditions to build a thousand temples in one night.

Bandung Bondowoso was assisted by a nation of jinn so that at midnight there was only one temple left.  To thwart it, Roro Jonggrang summoned all the women to burn straw and beat the mortar so that the cocks crowed and the genies ran.  Seeing this trick, Bandung Bondowoso cursed Roro Jonggrang to become the 1,000th statue and cursed women so that no one would marry until they were old maids.

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