ENGLISH LITERACY - How to click with everyone every time

BERITA LAINNYA - 24 April 2023

Title : How to click with everyone every time

Author : David Rich

Summarization by :  Josiah Naphta Simorangkir / XI MIPA 3 

Whether in business or romance, success is all about how well you click with people. And, as top motivational speaker Dave Rich proves in How to Click With Everyone Every Time, learning how to build an instant rapport with just about anyone is easy. Drawing upon his 16 years of experience coaching tens of thousands of people on building better, more profitable relationships, he offers readers surefire techniques for supercharging their personal appeal and powers of persuasion. Highly motivational, yet extremely practical, this book contains powerful lessons on how to:

Become more compelling in business, more appealing in one's personal life, and more fulfilled

Develop greater self-confidence, curiosity, and commitment

Get strangers to feel as if they've known the reader their whole lives

Use voice modulation and body language to instantly connect with anybody


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